(First) Production of pellets


  1. Fill water into collection container (enough that bottom of container is covered)
  2. Push collection container underneath diverter valve
  3. Open safety switch and splash guard
  4. Check if extruder produces a constant stream of polymer melt
  5. Turn on automatic mode
  6. Close splash guard
  7. Close safety switch
  8. Check movement of diverter valve
  9. Check that die plate is rinsed
  10. Open safety switch
  11. Open splash guard
  12. Check that polymer melt streams into collection container
  13. Clean die plate with a scraper
  14. Check that all nozzles of die plate are open
  15. Spray anti-adhesive spray (silicone spray) on die plate, knife carrier and knives
  16. Close cutting chamber (EUP starts automatically)
  17. Check inspection glass for water and pellets
  18. Check pellets at outlet
Start-Up Part 3: Production
progress 20%
progress 68%